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AJ Almasi is an American Model and aspiring Actress. She was born Andrea Almasi in Hendersonville Tennessee 5 June 1985. Almasi was Briefcase Model No.19 on the first episode of the NBC TV Game Show Deal or No Deal that was telecast in December of 2005. AJ was a shy tom-boy in Hendersonville Tennessee and wore glasses, braces, and other accessories. The girl had no clue of being capable of what she's doing and yet enjoys doing it. Friends and family members told her that because of her "bubbly persona" she could achieve anything. Almasi soon transformed into a beautiful, glamor woman when she moved into Los Angeles to begin a career in both modeling and acting. She was offered an appearance as among the Briefcase Models on the newly NBC TV Game Show Deal or No Deal during it's premier week (aired from December 19-23in 2005.) Aj Almasi was born as Andrea Almasi. Aj Almasi is an actress who is most well-known as the star of Deal or No Deal, Bikini destinations (2003) and The Late Late Show With Craig Ferguson, (2005). The actress was a part of Briefcase AJ focuses her efforts to improve her movie and modeling industry in L.A.

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